Do marijuana users really have more sex?

It's true that weed won't get everyone in the mood. But according to recent studies, daily cannabis consumers are having significantly more sex than non-users.
Despite the enormous amount of propaganda that has been spread in the last 4-5 decades, cannabis is becoming more popular and not without a reason. Besides the medical benefits the plant offers, studies have also revealed that daily marijuana consumers are having more sex than those who don't ingest the herb.
While some previous studies have indicated that cannabis can negatively impact your sexual performance, more recent studies have concluded the complete opposite. As it turns out, pot smokers aren't as lazy as as they want you to believe, especially when it comes to sex. In fact, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, marijuana users love sex and tend to "get busy" more than non-users.[1]
Researchers at Stanford University have also smashed open the debate surrounding sex and weed. Or more specifically, who is having the most sex between marijuana users and those who have never touched the plant. Believe it or not, daily cannabis consumers are having sex about 20% more than folks who refrain from the herb. So you can go ahead and forget about that whole "pot smokers are lazy" myth.
"What we found was compared to never-users, those who reported daily use had about 20 percent more sex. So over the course of a year, they're having sex maybe 20 more times" says Dr. Michael Eisenberg.[2] This fascinating finding came about after the team of researchers took a look at an annual Center for Disease Control and Prevention survey, which consisted of roughly 50,000 participants. Not only did the study include both men and women, but also a diversity of ages, 15-49 to be exact.
Between men and women, the study revealed that women who consumed marijuana on the daily had the most sex. On average, women who don't dabble in the herb tend to "get busy" 6 times a month. As for the ladies that ingest cannabis at least once a day, they are "getting it on" around 7.1 times a month.
The study also showed that men who consume cannabis daily don't have sex as often as women. However, they are doing it a lot more than males who don't ingest it at all. In fact, non-smoking men only have sex on average 5.6 times a month, while day-to-day users boast 6.9 times monthly.
Besides including a variety of genders and ages, the study also involved folks of distinct races, religious beliefs, and more. But none of these factors seemed to make a difference. “The overall trend we saw applied to people of both sexes and all races, ages, education levels, income groups and religions, every health status, whether they were married or single and whether they had kids" says Eisenberg.
That's not all that the study found, either. As it turns out, the more weed a respondent ingested, the more sex they had. But that's not to say that just because you smoke lots of cannabis, you'll have more frequent sex. Some people are naturally hornier than others. Not everyone's sex drive is the same.
Then again, it's no secret that weed does make everything better. And plenty of folks can agree. Lester Grinspoon, a former professor at Harvard Medical School, spoke with New York Magazine, saying that marijuana enhances all sorts of experiences, sex included.
Not to mention, there are also cannabis related products aimed to enhance your sex life and you can even make your own cannabis-infused lube that some say causes women to have more intense orgasms.
Another study, published last year in the Pharmacological Research Journal, found that 70% of people that smoke pot before sex experienced “enhancement in pleasure and satisfaction.”[3] Also, a study conducted by New York University's Center for Drug Use and HIV Research (CDUHR) showed that cannabis consumers were less likely to regret intercourse the day after compared to those that consumed alcohol.[4] So apparently weed and sex can't be too terrible of a combo.
Does Eisenberg's study prove that marijuana can get you in the mood? Not exactly. But one thing is for sure, and that's that daily consumers are having more sex than people who choose not to ingest the herb. And combining sex and weed will do more good than harm. Not to mention, it's perhaps one of the safer substances to ingest before having sex.
Moving back to the subject of cannabis' adverse effects on your sex life, one too many bong hits from the wrong strain can very well sink you straight into the couch, making you too sleepy to function. But at least you can rest assure that if you consume marijuana daily, that doesn't mean it will harm your sexual performance per say.
Eisenberg doesn't necessarily suggest you should spark a joint to get in the mood. But at the same time, you need not be too worried if you do. "We don't want people to smoke to improve sexual function, but it probably doesn't hurt things" says Eisenberg.
Good to know!
- ^ The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Association between marijuana use and sexual frequency in the United States: a population-based study, retrieved December-18-2018
Link - ^ Stanford Medicine, Regular marijuana use linked to more sex, retrieved December-18-2018
Link - ^ NCBI, Endocannabinoid system in sexual motivational processes: Is it a novel therapeutic horizon?, retrieved December-18-2018
Link - ^ Springer , A qualitative investigation comparing psychosocial and physical sexual experiences related to alcohol and marijuana use among adults, retrieved December-18-2018