Today it's World Naked Gardening Day - A perfect day for growers?

World Naked Gardening Day is one of many weird holidays. A perfect day for marijuana growers, or a just a good excuse to visit the weird parts of the net.
Every year more and more weird International Holidays and special days dedicated to some bizarre subject turn up. Every heard of World Naked Gardening Day? Well, today is the big day!
We are also surprised, but it does exist. It’s right up there between International Respect for Chickens Day and No Socks Day on the first Saturday of May each year. That’s right, each year, lots of people seem to be getting naked all over the world to work in their garden. Why didn’t we hear about this before?!
The first annual World Naked Gardening Day took place in 2005 and more and more people worldwide are celebrating it each year. Depending on the population of your neighborhood this might be a good day to have a look at your neighbor's garden, or stay inside with the curtains closed.
As our interest grew once we heard of this annual day, we started searching the Internet, looking for nice pictures of naked girls growing weed… You know what I mean, right ladies?
Besides being able to report you that WNGD involves a lot of saggy, middle-aged men who seem to love to hang their balls out whenever they can, we strongly advice you to not follow our advice as we came to a part of the Internet you might rather stay away from. Have a look at some of the freaky videos we found:
(p.s: We actually strongly advice some naked gardening amongst your lovely marijuana plants. It’s great! And bring the wife or your girlfriends! We wouldn’t mind at all if you would send us some footage of this so we can print some decent stuff next year.)