Legal status of marijuana in the state of tennessee

Find out about the legal status of medical and recreational marijuana in the state of Tennessee. Is marijuana illegal? Better safe than sorry!
Tennessee has a very strict and moderate law when it comes to medicinal marijuana. A law that was passed in 2015, allows patients who are a registered medical marijuana patient in another state to bring their medical marijuana products into Tennessee. The only medical marijuana product allowed is CBD oil with a THC percentage smaller than 1%.
The catch here is that most states limit their medical marijuana program to their own residents, making it impossible for residents of Tennessee to obtain any medicine.
The only patients with access to CBD oil have to be part of an official clinical trial.
The production, sale and possession of any other form of medicinal marijuana products are illegal in Tennessee.
The only qualifying condition to become a medical marijuana patient in a clinical trial in Tennessee is:
- Intractable seizures
The cultivation, sale, and possession of cannabis for recreational purposes are illegal in Tennessee.
Getting caught with up to 0,5 oz (14 grams) is considered a misdemeanor in Tennessee and might land you in jail for up to a year with a minimum fine of up to $250 if it's your first offense.
A subsequent offense brings the minimum fine up to $500.
We are not aware of any possible law changes in the (near) future in Tennessee regarding medical and/or recreational cannabis.