Legal status of marijuana in malawi

Legal status of marijuana in malawi
Steven Voser

Find out about the legal status of medical and recreational marijuana in Malawi. Is marijuana illegal? Better safe than sorry!


The production, sale and possession of any form of medicinal marijuana products are illegal in Malawi.


The cultivation, sale, and possession of cannabis for recreational purposes are illegal in Malawi.

Any possession of cannabis in Malawi is illegal and will lead to severe punishment.

In 2015 an independent member of the parliament of Malawi pleaded for legalizing industrial hemp and possibly marijuana. So far no laws have been changed and the production and possession of any form of marijuana remains illegal.

Steven Voser
Steven Voser

Steven is a long-time veteran of cannabis journalism, having delved into every aspect of the subject. His particular interests lie in cannabis culture, the emerging science of cannabis, and how it is shaping the legal landscape across the globe.